aKAne `XCelENt' -=FATALITY=- FIgHt GEnmA haPpoSAi koDACHi KuNo RANMA rYOgA SHamPoO SoUN teNDo UkYO MOOoorTAaaall KooomBAaatTT! RRRRRRRRR KKKKK KKKK RRR RRRR KKK KKK RRR RRR KKK KKK RRRRRR___________K RRR R\ /KK RRR R\/~~~\ \ KK RRR RRR __/ / KK RRRRR RRRR\___ \KKKKK \ \ ......... ____ ... . .... . -__/ . \________/ Fatality: [vs. Kirin] F,FD,D,Lp,Lp,Hp,F+Hp Punches a hole in the floor so deep that a gyser of hot water shoots out from it. Opponent is pelted with hundreds of waterballs. Fatality: [vs. Dojo Dstryr] Hold Lk,D,DB,B,D,DB,B, Rel. Lk,Hk Grabs Akane midair, spinning into tight whirlwind. Rapid twisting ionizes air to vaporize opponent. Friendship: [vs. any] U,D,F,B,B,U,U,D,B,F,B,U, Lk+Hk+Lp+Hp,F Akane runs onto screen and presents opponent with homemade sukiyaki. ........................... loosely adapted parody of Mortal Kombat created for a friend's music video... approx. 2:45 playtime. and, no, this isn't real music. ........................... (c) 4/1996 PrOtoCoL [ACiD] elee@scuacc.scu.edu http://scus15.scu.edu/ elee/protocol.html